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Use Cases

Identify And Respond To Common Insider Threat Incidents

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Fueled by fast-paced, cloud-powered collaboration cultures, Insider Risks continue to increase across organizations today. Here are some of the most common types and how Incydr can help protect against them:

Departing Employees

Most employees take data with them when they leave for their next job. We make sure your most valuable files stay with you.

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IP Theft

76% of companies have experienced IP loss. Stop your crown jewels from being stolen.

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Source Code Leaks

Stop proprietary source code from landing in the wrong hands by detecting and preventing source code exfiltrations to untrusted repositories.

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Remote Workforce

Remote workers introduce new security challenges. We help you manage the risk of off-network activity when employees work from home.

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Layoffs can cause disgruntled employees to commit data theft. Get peace of mind that company data is protected during turbulent times.

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Generative AI

Stay ahead of potential data leaks by monitoring files and content shared via Generative AI tools.

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As temporary members of the organization, contractors present a heightened risk for data theft. Monitor files access and flag unusual or unauthorized activity.

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Shadow IT

63% of employees use the tech they want to get their jobs done. Stop your data from moving to unsanctioned applications.

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High Risk Employees

Programmatically protect data by monitoring flight risks and other high risk employee types.

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Repeat Offenders

Behind every data risk event is an employee who likely didn’t follow the rules. Stop data exfiltrations from users who continue to violate security policies.

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Mac Environments

When it comes to your Mac users, what data exfiltration ²¹°ù±ð²Ô’t you seeing? Get the data visibility you are missing – across Windows, Linux and Mac endpoints.

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The logistical challenges of reorganizations can lead to security gaps that increase the risk of data exfiltration going undetected.

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Mergers & Acquisitions

Sensitive data leaks during M&A can be particularly disastrous. Mitigate data loss during transition with proactive risk monitoring.

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Security Awareness Training

Improve security awareness within the organization to reduce Insider Risk incidents and encourage employees to report suspicious activity.

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Can you put a price tag on your company’s IP?

Don’t be the next company to hit headlines for a data breach. Our customers remediate massive insider incidents before major damage is done.

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worth of deleted files helped disprove lawsuit accusations – thanks to Incydr.